There are a couple of different types of Tom Yum, red, clear/white and creamy. But the base is pretty much the same aromatics.

In the North of (Peninsular) Malaysia, states such as Kedah sit at the Thai boarder. Therefore, a lot of the cuisine has a Thai influence due to the Thai Malaysian population within the state.

Tom Yum Putih (white or clear Tom Yum) is one of my all time favourite Thai meals. It is tangy, spicy and simply delicious.

The protein in this dish can be swapped with any white fish, chicken, shellfish, pork and mushrooms. It is important not to overload this soup with protein as it will turn the soup into a stew :)

Tomatoes are optional - for me, they act as a natural MSG. If the water is reducing too quickly, add a little more in 1/4 cup increments.

**Gluten free


Sambal Tomato Tumis Chicken and Eggplant


Linguine w Swordfish, Capers, Tomato, Green Chilli and Yuzu